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Welcome to our amazing, new way to learn English… through stories! 


We have taken apart the syllables of the words in each story. You can pre-read those syllables and one-syllable words in phonetic, color-coded charts (Parts 1-3). The stories in Part 4 are all at a second-grade level (on average). You also have the choice to jump up to a fourth- or fifth-grade level (Part 5).*



1) Choose a Bible story or Fable.

2) Give some time for the story to load. Start at video Part 1.

3) Look at and listen to the words and sentences in the videos.

4) We have left time for you to repeat after the narrator.

5) On paper, write the letters (that are bold and in color) while you repeat the sounds.

This will build your memory.

6) As an option, you can download, print, and follow along on the PDF, which covers the full lesson.

You can also download the original Power Point for maximum flexibility.

7) Enjoy!

*Note: The World English Bible or Original Fable

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